Tuesday, April 30, 2013

More Disney

I love this Imagineering book, its so cool!
I'll scan in my notes later, but here are some pages from the book
Epcot- idea and in progress

Building Epcot

Creating the Spaceship Earth Ride

Quote by Walt Disney


What is an Imagineer?

Evolution of a ride- from concept art to actualization

Its all in the details

more deatials

They created (I don't have the book with me now but I think) over 500 new typefaces! I actually love typography and I think this is super cool!

Pico 5

Today we had to go back an revise some of our programs

new follow

if else

drive straight

drive straight 2

follow the light


Thursday, April 11, 2013

Pico Blocks Day 4

So Friday we just continued  the list of stuff we were assigned Wednesday. 

We revisited the program in which the car drives forward when the delrin is over 15 and moves backward when it is less than 15 away but this time using proportional control. 

Counter for motor A

Here we are working on getting motor A to always be set to 50 using bang-bang control. This one would over shoot and end up twitching. 

Here we are working on getting motor A to always be set to 50 using proportional control. This way when it nears 50 it will stop completely. 

Testing with different values, and it still works!

Then we tried getting one wheel to follow the other. Here wheel B is following wheel A

This the final version. It is essentially the same as the code above but without the waituntil's because picoblocks don't like waiting. 

Going a certain distance by counting the ticks around the wheel

Same thing but with a sensor that must read greater than 15

Driving in a straight line

Pico Day 3

We learned the difference between bang-bang control and proportional control. Bang-bang is one way or the other, proportional has some wiggle room. 
We had four tasks to complete today: 

 Original Bang Bang Control 'Follow the Delrin'

 Using proportional control, we got rid of the spazzing. The car slows down as the value get closer to 15 and then it comes to a complete stop.

Here we have created variables that we can set to a value or use in an equation

 Trying to redo our line follow with variables so that the changing values of the tape and Masonite (due to the different times of day or light)

  Fiddling with values

Here we are counting wheel A. If the count is greater than or less than 50, it will turn until it reads 50, but it stops.

We moved motor on into the forever loop so that it will always readjust. 

Pico Blocks Day 2

Today we continued using Pico Blocks. We learned how to create programs using Bang-Bang control. Bang- Bang Control means that the you are either doing one thing, or the other. 

Programs for forward, backward, break, spin right, spin left, bear right, bear left. This way if we want to turn or move forward, we don't have to write out the whole code, we can just pull over the forward or bear right block. 

This is our program to get the car to respond to delrin. The light sensor senses the delrin, and when the sensor reads over 15 (the delrin is farther away) it it moves forward. If less than 15, it moved backwards. The only problem was that it would start to spaz out when the sensor reads exactly 15. We put in a wait so that there would be time for the 'dot' to read the program.

Here we began to follow the line assignment using the light sensor
white line: 420
masonite: 560
Want we wanted to happens was if the sensor read less than 480, it would go forward, other wise we wanted it to scan left and right until it read less than 480 again. This didn't exactly happen. 

This is almost the same thing but we added a waituntil so that the program scan left until it read less 480 then continue forward. 

We tried changing the contraints to the sensor reading value between  550 and 560 (masonite) and a simpler if else command.

We embedded an If-then-else statement to try and clarify the command

Fiddling around some more. We tried to make things more specific but it still was working inconstantly. 

Pico Blocks Day 1

On Wednesday we began learning how to use Pico Blocks. The Pico Cricket was designed to be used by young kids so instead of us writing the code for our little car, we use little blocks that connect to each other. We learned how to make a sound, display numbers on the display, and how to sense light and touch. We also figured out of to get the light to flash different colors in rainbow order. The light sensor read a different number depending on the brightness of the light. We can program the car to change direction when the touch sensor is touched.